INVEST IN A LIFE – There are three major stages when pursuing a vision. Having a vision, believing in it and then developing strategies to work towards it. “Invest in a life” ministry is now in its second stage – believing in a vision as well as making small steps towards developing strategies and executing it.
Hi 🙂 My name is Marina Kurban and for me, the concept of “investing in lives” was born many years ago.
I grew up in an environment that was very challenging to say the least. Every person in my immediate family was effected in some way by the harrowing realities of poverty, abuse and of commercial sexual exploitation. Many of my close friends and classmates were swallowed up by these realities at a very young age. There were no welfare agencies or religious organisations for them to turn to for help. Even those who tried to escape and live a normal life couldn’t due to a lack of resources. Integrating back into society was pretty much impossible because of a lack of skills and support.
From a very early age my dream was to change this reality. On a small scale, I was able to impact lives and provide necessary resources to enable individuals to leave the traps of poverty, abuse and enslavement. This included financial and emotional support as well as mentoring. Independently, I’ve been investing in lives for many years now but this year I have decided to bring a community together which will enable us to be more effective and impact more lives.
Invest In A Life’s Vision:
Equipping and Empowering individuals by providing necessary resources for them to live a whole life and become leaders and catalyst of positive change in the nations.
Invest In A Life’s mission:
The main mission of invest in a life is to empower individuals by providing resources for them to strive – that includes but not limited to; financial assistance, mentoring, assistance with accessing skill development classes and whatever else is needed.
Invest In A Life’s Dreams:
One of my dreams is to build renewal centers with a holistic approach in Tajikistan, Central Asia and then around the world. It will contain agricultural farms, skill shops, music, art centers, fitness and swimming pool centers, and much more. But most importantly it will be homes of healing and restoration for individuals affected by the devastating realities of poverty, abuse and human trafficking. It will be a place people can call home. A place where everyone is a family experiencing love that runs deep, safety that creates freedom and a new future that creates hope. It’ll be a home where individuals can dream again, where they can be empowered and equipped and ultimately become leaders and catalyst of positive change in the nations.
I invite like minded people to join me on this journey.
You cannot affect whether Invest in a life continues pursuing its mission:). With what you do however, you will affect the parameters and quantum of this mission.
Marina Kurban